The Central library has been built to International Standards, Spreads over to four floors with an area of 400 sq.m. It is centrally air-conditioned, well-protected with fire alarm, CCTV and book security system. Specialized collections of Books, Journals & Non-book materials are available in Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Biotechnology, Humanities and Social Sciences. The Collection replete with 6,250 Documents, 6,120 Volumes of Books 294 CDs. 100 video cassettes and 105 Audio Cassettes. More....
News & Events
1. The admissions to B Tech courses are made through online off campus counseling by the Haryana State Counseling Society (HSCS) on the basis of AIEEE / LEET.
2. The admissions to B Tech courses are made through online off campus counseling by the Haryana State Counseling Society (HSCS) on the basis of AIEEE / LEET.
3. The admissions to B Tech courses are made through online off campus counseling by the Haryana State Counseling Society (HSCS) on the basis of AIEEE / LEET.
Qualified faculty members assigned with various theory subjects prepare course plans using the standard format provided by the institute with emphasis on 'learning' of the students. The instructional or lecture delivery of the faculty will be through a set of Educational Technology / Tools opted by the faculty. The lectures lay emphasis on the following:
« Knowledge content (topics in the curriculum)
« Utility value - application in real life
« Latest developments
The classroom sessions will be interactive and will encourage the students to think independently and inspire their creativity. The faculty will ensure that the students in the class have assimilated the content projected. High level of discipline will be maintained in the classroom. The faculty members are empowered to curb any disturbance and ensure that the time is used fruitfully. To this effect, students are expected to maintain decorum and refrain from causing any disturbance in the classroom. Camera cell phones are prohibited in the campus. Students are advised not to carry cell phones to the classrooms and laboratories.
Classroom instructions may be supplemented by students' presentations and / or guest lectures by external/internal experts.
Attendance will be taken by the faculty concerned at the beginning of each session. All the classes will begin on time and the students coming late will not be given attendance.
The Central library has been built to International Standards, Spreads over to four floors with an area of 400 sq.m. It is centrally air-conditioned, well-protected with fire alarm, CCTV and book security system. Specialized collections of Books, Journals & Non-book materials are available in Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Biotechnology, Humanities and Social Sciences. The Collection replete with 6,250 Documents, 6,120 Volumes of Books 294 CDs. 100 video cassettes and 105 Audio Cassettes. The Central Library subscribes 16 National and International Print Journals and 3000+ e-Journals. The subscribed e-resources are ASCE Journals, ASME Journals, ASTM Journals and Standards, IEL online (IEEE & IET), Science Direct including the Materials Science Subject Collections, Indian Standards Codes, British Euro Codes, ACM, ABI/Inform Complete (ProQuest), Also we have Engineering Village (Engineering Referex) ebook collection, and ebrary. Apart from central library each branch having a separate library with good collection.
The Library contributes to the fulfilment of the University's mission by :
« Selecting, acquiring, organising, maintaining and making accessible a collection of printed and non-printed, primary and secondary materials that will support the educational, research and public service programmes of both students and the faculty
« Responding to the varying needs of the academic community by involving the faculty, the students and the administration in the development and periodic assessment of the library services and resources
« Providing library users with point-of-use instruction, personal assistance in conducting literature research and other reference services « Providing an environment conducive to the optimum use of library materials and an appropriate schedule of hours of service and professional assistance
« Participating in overall computing resources plan and providing for full library utilization of automation technology, physical facilities and equipment adequate to process, catalogue and store the materials.
« Enhancing the library's resources and services through cooperative relationship with other libraries and agencies.
Rules and Regulations
Open access system is followed in the Library 1. Strict and absolute silence shall be observed in the Library. 2. Cell Phone to be switched off inside the Library. 3. Bags, Big handbags, Raincoat, Jerkin and Casual wears are strictly prohibited inside the library. 4. Members are requested to keep their belongings at the entrance of the Library. However they are advised not to leave cell phones, purse, money, credit card and other valuables in the handbag outside the library. These items are liable to be lost. 5. Library users are strictly prohibited from taking the borrowed and stamped books again inside the library. 6. If the due date falls on a holiday for the Library, the next working day will be taken as the due date. 7. Books will be issued to the members only on producing the Membership card. 8. If any book is lost or damaged beyond repair, the person responsible shall replace it with a new copy or pay double the cost of the recent price and handling charges or as may be decided by the librarian. 9. Membership Cards are not transferable. Books will not be issued to students on the Membership Card of staff members. 10. Books will be issued subject to availability only. 11. No sub-lending of books is permitted. 12. Any kind of marking, underlining, clipping of books is absolutely forbidden. Readers shall be held responsible for any damage done to the book belonging to the Library and shall be required to replace such book or pay the value thereof. 13. Absence from the university will not be allowed as an excuse for the delay in the return of books. 14. Under special circumstances, the Librarian may refuse the issue of books or recall the books already issued from any member without assigning any reason thereof. 15. The following conditions are to be followed for the renewal of books.
[i] The book has to be produced in the Library for renewal.
[ii] More than one renewal will not be allowed. 16. No reminders will be issued to individuals but consolidated list of defaulters will be displayed in the library notice board. 17. The borrower will be responsible for any loss or non-return of any books issued against his / her original or duplicate Library Member ID Card. 18. Reference books, Newspapers, Magazines, Journals should not be taken out. 19. New books received will be on display for a week. 20. The Library may accept donation of manuscripts, books, periodicals etc. from the donors. Such donations once accepted will become the absolute property of the University. 21. Library timings details of fine structure are displayed on the Library Notice Boards. 22. Overnight issue is available for selected reference books.
Note: The above rules are intended to regulate the use of Library resources and will be reviewed periodically to meet the Changing needs.
Any changes in the rules or instructions or information to members will be notified on the Library Notice Board as and when required.
Library Working Hours
Monday - Friday
. Working Hours - 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
. Transactions - 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
. Digital Library - 10.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday & University Holidays
. Working Hours 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
. Transactions 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
. Digital Library 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Digital Library Library is the heart of an academic institute. The MEC library is housed in a fully air-conditioned building with a seating capacity of 400 students. The library is fully computerized and has 10 computers equipped with all other peripheral devices like laser printers, scanners and barcode readers etc. It has a very good collection of print as well as electronic resources. It has around 6000 text & reference books, 300 CDs and VCDs. It subscribes 16 national & International Journals & magazines and 364 online international journals in the field of Engineering, Applied Sciences and Humanities. The library also provides the Internet and photocopy services to the users.
It also has access to digital resources of Science Direct through Indian National Digital Library in Engineering, Science and Technology (INDEST) - AICTE Consortium.
Adequate transport facility has been provided for both the staff and the students of the college, . Th e college buses rotate frequently from college to Kurukshetra, college to Ambala, college to Pehwa and near by places. The college also provides the transport facility to the students for the purpose of campus interviews and other industrial visits as when required.